I've decided from now on I will grade the rares from RIM and predict if they will become rare in the future.
The form:
Design:(Epic, Neat, Cool, Good, Fine,OK, Bad, Poor)
Colors: (Rainbowly, Awesome, Good, Bad, Ugly)
Item Based off of;( Rarity Rating): (Ultra Rare, Really Rare, Rare, Kind of Rare, Regular Item not in stores, Regular Item in stores that might leave, Regular Item in stores that is trashy such as: Necklace, Head flower, etc. Or No Item Based off of)
Will it become rare in the future(Prediction): (Yes,Possibly, Maybe, Unlikely, No)
Are Jammers angry over this item's appearence? (Yes,No)
Price is too much/too little? (Yes, No, I don't really know)
Number/10 Overall rating:
Now let's use it on this week's rare item monday!!!
(Please be aware many of the options are opinion-based.)
Name: Rare Fancy Shoes
Design: Cool
Colors: Bad (Sorry It's a little too primary for me- red, yellow, blue, and some green. It kind of reminds me of a preschooler's building blocks. :P)
Item Based off of;( Rarity Rating): Regular item in stores that might leave.
Will it become rare in the future(Prediction):Maybe
Are Jammers angry over this item's appearence? No
Price is too much/too little?: Yes, too little because the regular version is only 200 gems less.
Number/10 Overall rating: 5/10
Notes: These might become rare in the future because they could go with rare sunglasses, though that chance is slim.
Bye Guys!!
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